Points to Ponder on Expectation and Life & Acceptance

Points to Ponder on Expectation and Life & Acceptance


One of the most important things that you should know about expectations is that, if you don’t expect anything from anyone, then you are the happiest person in the world. But this is a seldom case and often it happens that people like a chain-link or a dot-that connects, start expecting things from people or from situation. For example, as per one of my experiences I made friends with a senior, and then started to talk and expected the friendship to go well, but then life happens or turns around when you expect something else, like expect the unexpected and that’s what happened and next hour, the senior was like, ‘your problem is that you assume friendship’. This was one of the most unexpected reactions that I got from a senior. 

Expect Nothing 

Of course, part of it was my mistake, but since we belonged to the same college, I assumed or expected friendly relations. Anyways, story apart, so this is what happens, when we expect that everything is fine, there is always something that goes wrong. Smooth road doesn’t bring a perfect ride, you should always remember that. In other words, smooth roads cannot make a perfect driver. Imagine your life like a smooth road, which is just going straight and straight, then it will become boring. 

Straight Trees

Just like how the straight highways or roads without any turn or twist are danger prone, the same way its our life. If we don’t have bends, turns and twist, then we would have been in danger. In a similar way, you should always remember that straight trees are cut first and honest people are cheated the first. Therefore, now, by telling this I don’t mean that you become dishonest. Rather be smart. Moreover, another thing you should follow is that, ‘Do the Right Thing, Even When No One is Looking, It Is Called Integrity’. And, besides all of that, you should also learn about acceptance. 


Also, other thing that you should know is that, things become much better when you switch from EXPECT to ACCEPT. Acceptance is always way much better than anything else. It is always a good thing to accept change. Change is law of life and nature. So, we should accept the change and embrace it with positivity, else life would become difficult. And, we should always know that it is difficult and painful when the unexpected happens, but it is also important for us to learn to embrace the change. Lastly, you should never expect anything from anyone, else you will become dependent and that’s contrary of the independent life, which people crave to be in. So, always accept, but don’t expect. 


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