Why Must You Have A Prenatal Massage If You’re Pregnant?

Why Must You Have A Prenatal Massage If You’re Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a thrilling journey. You may see sore muscles, pain in the lower back, and swollen joints. Most women complain of feeling tired. And if you don’t like this feeling, you should try having a massage. But wait! No usual massage will work for you if you’re pregnant.

Prenatal massage therapists are trained professionals who perform massages on pregnant women. These messages are different from your regular massage. Some modifications help in ensuring the safety of the baby and the mother. It also provides the woman feels comfortable. So before you search for the Best Massage Portland Oregon, here are some benefits you must know!

·      It helps In Reducing Swelling

One of the significant effects of pregnancy on your body is swelling in the hands and feet. Swelling happens because the circulation is significantly reduced, and there is more pressure on major blood vessels. Prenatal massage helps in moving the excess fluid and stimulating the soft tissues. It will help in reducing swelling.

·      Relieves Lower Back Pain

Massage is very successful in increasing blood flow and releasing tension in the muscle. It helps in relieving lower back pain, which is one of the most common effects of pregnancy.

·      Helps In Improving Sleep Quality

Most women confirm that their sleep patterns change throughout their pregnancy. It also becomes challenging to get good quality sleep as the pregnancy progresses. A good massage will help you to relax and get good sleep.

·      Prepares Your Body

Various studies prove the positive link between a prenatal massage and healthy delivery. A good massage will reduce your overall stress level and keep your muscles toned. It is essential to manage stress to have an easier delivery. Reach out to a certified massage therapist for Best Massage Portland Oregon, and explore various massage options to help you with a healthy pregnancy.

·      Helps Relieve Pain

The best part about having a prenatal massage is that it is natural. The prenatal massage offers a safe and drug-free experience. Unlike other alternatives, a prenatal massage has no severe complications or long-term effects. It is highly effective in relieving pain.


If you are wondering whether or not you should have a prenatal massage, you should consult your doctor first. Although prenatal massages are safe and beneficial, every pregnancy is different. It is essential to choose a certified and experienced prenatal massage therapist. Checking out their reviews is also helpful. Recommendations from friends and family work the best! Enjoy the benefits of an excellent prenatal massage and relax!

Louisa Curry

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