How Are Good Coatings and Coatings Different From One Another?

How Are Good Coatings and Coatings Different From One Another?

A dental procedure that is fairly frequent is getting a crown. Your dentist will evenly grind your original tooth’s surface. As they prepare the permanent crown, they attach a temporary crown to the tooth while taking an impression of your teeth. When the permanent crown is prepared, the tooth’s surface is polished and buffed once more before the permanent crown is cemented to the tooth with dental cement. When everything goes as planned, this dental restoration is excellent. A quality crown preserves the remaining natural tooth from additional decay and functions exactly like an intact natural tooth would.

As a dentist offering dental veneers in Woodbridge says, although the majority of people have a nice veneer and don’t experience any other issues, occasionally, there is a space between the veneer and the natural tooth’s surface. In the coating, this condition is known as an open edge. It is not necessary to seal the edge or region where the crown meets the natural tooth. As a result, bacteria and food particles can reach the area between the tooth’s crown and root.

What’s the Reason for the Veneers’ Adjacent Open Border?

Why does this gap appear? An open edge can be caused by:

  • A difficult terrain
  • Application of dental cement incorrectly
  • Other mistakes in building or application of coatings

The veneer itself may be at fault because it never fits right, but the first two causes are avoidable. A simple visual assessment may not be sufficient. The hazards can be reduced, though, if you work with a dentist with lots of experience. Crowns can become detached from natural teeth over time, even though they can last for decades when properly positioned. Various factors, including this one, frequently cause open edges in veneers.

Why Does a Bad Veneer Cause Bad Breath?

Food particles and bacteria can get trapped between the veneer and the natural tooth surface because of the open edge next to the veneer. Both confined microorganisms and aged deterioration have unpleasant aromas.

Bad breath is not the only sign of bad dental veneers. Although they may take time to develop, the following common symptoms may also occur:

Sensitive gums and teeth:

Tooth decay caused by the open edge of the crown can lead to sensitivity to heat and cold and sensitivity to sweet foods.

Bleeding gums when brushing and flossing:

Occasionally, symptoms of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) may appear, such as bleeding when brushing or flossing. This may or may not go away over time.

The pain:

When the cement that holds the crown in place begins to dissolve on the surface of the bacteria that have settled under the tooth restoration, the roots of the tooth are affected. The pain may be mild at first, but as the decay progresses, it can increase dramatically.

These symptoms are also very common in tooth decay. Many patients who come to the dentist for treatment of tooth decay are shocked to discover that a cavity has developed under the veneer (sometimes referred to as recurrent decay).

Jenny Pauli

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